Magical Stela in the Egyptian Museum under the number JE90253

Document Type : Methodologies


Associate professor of Egyptology - Faculty of Arts - Kafr el-Sheikh University


A small stela, of yellow-black soap-stone,round topped "cippus of Horus", It has a crack on the right side, On the face of the stela, The god Harpocrates has a naked body. The features of his face and the braid are blurred due to the erosion of the stone. He stands on the back of two crocodiles,He holds in his right hands wild animals,and above his head is the face of the god Bas, engraved in relief. On the right side remains of the oryx. The god Hor depicted in human form .Also, a goddess carrying two crocodiles.The god Hor also appeared in an animal form .On the left side depictions of two scorpions, and beneath them was depicted a four-headed . A small person with a scarab on his head,and pictures of a god in the form of an animal, sitting on top of a chapel. The cat, which represents the god Bastet, is also depicted. On both sides of the painting is a papyrus column surmounted by a falcon., a lotus column surmounted by a double column, and on the back of the stela a recessed winged sun disk,.the stela is full bu Hierogliph inscription . It dates back to the 30th dynasty.the stela 19 cm high and 10 cm wide, the width of the base is 10 cm and the largest thickness of the base reaches 2.85 cm.The stela is full of pictures and symbols that the research is trying to clarify and the reason for its depiction.
