دور اختلاف الفئة العمرية في توجيه التفضيلات الغذائية (دراسة تطبيقية على عملاء مطاعم الوجبات السريعة بمدينة الإسکندرية)

Document Type : Original Research


1 Hotel Studies Department, Higher Institute for Tourism, Hotels and Computer Sciences, Alexandria, Egypt.

2 Faculty of Tourism and Hotels, Alexandria University


The food preference process, as one of the complex human behaviors, is affected by a variety of economic, social, cultural, physiological and psychological factors. Numerous literature has emphasized the importance of studying the food preferences of customers as studying the preferences of potential customers comes at the forefront of the considerations that must be taken into account. By examining previous studies, it was verified that studies conducted on food preferences in the Arab region, especially in Egypt, are extremely scarce. The current study sought to describe and analyze the role of the difference in customers' age groups in directing their preferences for the fast food product provided in restaurants located in the city of Alexandria. The study examined the relationship between the difference in the customers' age groups, as an independent variable, and number of dependent variables. The results revealed a statistically significant relationship between the independent variable of the study and all dependent variables under study.


Main Subjects