Hathorian Symbols Integrated into The Depiction of the Goddess Khenest in Ancient Egypt

Document Type : Review Articles


1 Ph. D. Candidate, Faculty of Tourism and hotels, Fayoum University.

2 Professor, Tourist Guidance Department, Higher Institute for Specific Studies, Giza.

3 Professor, Tourist Guidance Department, Faculty of Tourism and Hotels, Fayoum University


Abstract: The research discuss the relationship between the goddess Hathor and one of the secondary deities, the goddess xnst, through the study of the symbols of the goddess Hathor, which integrated in the iconographic of the goddess xnst. The oldest depiction of the deity dates back to the era of King Nectanebo I, on the sarcophagus of Saft al-Henna. It was taken from Hathor, the Hathor crown, and the shape of the cow and the stick of the plow,
this is due to the fact that xnst is a local image of the goddess Hathor, and she was holy in the territory of Sobed, as xnst was depicted on the walls of the sarcophagus of Saft al-Henna from the era of King Nectanebo I in a full human form crowned with the Hathoric crown, she was also depicted sitting in a human form with a cow's head, and it appeared on one of the coins from the Greco-Roman era while she was holding the UCH, one of the symbols of the deity Hathor, and this is due to xnst is a local image of the goddess Hathor. In the coffin texts, xnst played the role of the goddess Hathor in giving permission to the deceased to meet with his family in the other world.
