Ancient Egyptian Ophthalmology: Eye Diseases and Eye Specialists

Document Type : Original Research


Associate Professor, Tourist Guidance Department - Faculty of Tourism and Hotels - Suez Canal University - Egypt.


In ancient Egypt, the title "" was associated with oculists, who were specialized doctors focusing on the treatment of eye conditions. The presence of this title alongside the principal title "swnw" indicates the specific expertise of these doctors in ophthalmology. They were highly respected members of society and were often consulted by the pharaoh and other members of the royal court. Ancient Ophthalmologists recognized the importance of eye health and developed specialized treatments for eye ailments. They employed a range of remedies, including herbal preparations, ointments, poultices, and eye drops. These treatments often utilized medicinal plants and substances with known healing properties. oculists in ancient Egypt continued to play a significant role in society for centuries, making notable contributions to the development of medicine. The monuments and artifacts associated with oculists provide valuable insights into the practice of medicine during ancient times and offer glimpses into the lives of the individuals who dedicated themselves to this field.
