The Moderating Role of Islamic Heritage Program in the Effect of Zoo Educational Goal on Sustainable Development

Document Type : Original Research


1 Associate professor, Tourist studies department, Matrouh university

2 Lecturer, Department of tourist guidance, Matrouh University


Zoo is an attracting visitor experience especially for a one-day visitor. It can play several roles; one of them is facilitating education in terms of conservation, getting more revenues and supporting the community positive attitudes for animals. The study tends to maximize the educational value of the visit sustainably. The study presents an innovative heritage educational program that enables people to engage with and learn about living animals in an Islamic historical context. In studying the role that zoos have in educating visitors, a variety of methods have been used including: literature review, precedent studies, and passive observation of Giza zoo. In addition, this study adopted quantitative approach through the use of questionnaire for collecting data. A questionnaire was designed to determine the views and attitudes of the visitors about the education and sustainability in zoo. A total of 396 questionnaires were collected in Giza Zoo during May 2023. Results have shown that the Islamic Heritage Program (IHP) will have a positive effect on the relationship between zoo educational goal and sustainable development. In other words, it will improve Giza zoo management and sustain animal welfare, and the flow of visitors.
