Significances of Regeneration through Upraised Arms Gestures in Cosmic and Funerary Contexts

Document Type : Original Research


Tourist Guidance Department, Faculty of Tourism and Hotels, Alexandria University, Alexandria, Egypt


Raising up arms was one of significant gestures known by the Egyptians. One method of expressing regeneration was through lifting up arms. Different elevated arms gestures were employed in regenerative purposes in cosmic and funerary contexts. This research analyzes iconographic evidences demonstrating the revivification function of upraised arms gestures inspired from the archetype kȝ-glyph. Egyptians knew such a regenerative role as early as the Predynastic Period. Meanwhile, they buried in their tombs fertile female figurines with elevated arms indicating the regeneration of their owners. In statuary, kȝ-symboll was elevated above heads to assist in enlivening the dead. Embracing the sun-disc with upraised arms in kȝ form is another remarkable iconographic proof of rebirth conception. Conveying regeneration idea through upraised arms gestures is also emphasized through practicing purification rituals in both royal and private sectors. It is also through supporting the sky on upraised arms of Egyptians kings that state of balancing the opposing forces of heaven and earth is acquired. Moreover, elevating the heavenly water on arms of creator gods gives a direct reference to the continuation of the universe existence. Not only gods and kings but also individuals raising up their arms to indicate their revivification after death.
