الزهور الصينية المستعارة في الفن الإسلامي حتي نهاية القرن 9هـ/15م

Document Type : Original Research


1 Faculty of Tourism and Hotels, Alexandria University

2 Faculty of Literature, Alexandria University


This research Studies an important part of Islamic art,which is the floral decorations, particularly Chinese flowers which borrowed by the artist during the Islamic era .introducing the importance and symbolism of flowers in Chinese art, highlighting the crossings points of the Chinese influences in Islamic art. The research traces the Chinese flowers borrowed by the Muslim artist, and popularized on many Islamic artifacts, and discussing the appearance of some of them in early Islamic times, by the contrast of the common belief of the beginning of their appearance after the Mongol invasion, as well as it discuss the difference between Egyptian and Chinese lotus, and how it became a distinctive decorative element on Islamic artifacts, especially during the Mongol and Mamluk periods.
By studying some of the most important artifacts adorned with floral decorations, while clarifying the Chinese impact on them. So that the reader can understand and track the appearance of Chinese flowers in Islamic arts, and how the Muslim artist was creative in choosing and mixing these decorative elements of Chinese art sometimes, without being influenced by its symbolic meaning in China, while adding the spirit of Islamic art to it.


Main Subjects